We closed off last semester with a winter formal, but can you believe the new semester has already started??? We leave for winter retreat in 3 days! Below are some pictures of the formal. We invited all our students to dress up and attend a nice dinner for free. We watched skits made by all our small groups and handed out academy awards. But we also just spent time enjoying each others company, and rejoicing in all that God had done through our community this year. Watching the skits was so fun and I know the students will remember their time together in cores making those videos for a long time. Thank you for providing a place for students to feel special, and make sweet memories. In just 3 days we will take all our students across DFW to winter retreat! This is our biggest event of the year. Here's a video that gives a sense of what the experience is like. Winter Retreat Video At winter retreat students will spend 4 days, learning about Jesus, worshiping God,...
Pizza Theology was a hit! Every year, twice a year, several hundred college students from around DFW come to hear a 4 hour lecture on a biblical topic. This years topic was about helping scripture come alive and being able to make sense of biblical narrative. Our speaker, seminary professor Rikk Watts, walked us through the first 11 chapters of 1 Kings, not worrying about finishing the story per se, but rather helping our students engage with the depth of the story as they read along. Some of the things he helped bring to life for our students were the importance of listening to God rather than to ourselves, the dignity of a desperate cry to God, the role of the office of leader being honored by God even when the leader is of a corrupt character, and the importance of honesty and ownership of our mistakes. It was really such a neat experience and our students walked away with lots of questions and an excitement to read more of the old testament. They also ate lots of pizza. Thank...