Hello friends, we are only 6 weeks away before the beginning of the new semester! So, how am I spending my time over the summer?
Raising up leaders, reading books that sharpen and encourage me, spending time with students in worship, preaching, and spending a little extra time with Hayli and Lucy.
Raising up leaders right now looks like studying the bible one on one with a few of the guys that I'll have the pleasure of doing ministry alongside in the fall. Namely Josh Krause, Austen Nash, and Chris Mwerma. These are all guys that have shown a serious interest in knowing God and becoming like Jesus. I'm so excited for them to be a witness for Christ on their college campus as they lead core!
And lastly I am still raising my support for this year, and am still about $900 a month short of my goal. If you know someone that would be excited to hear about how God is working in campus ministry please let me know. Or if you would like to make an increase in your partnership or make a special one time gift you can do so at this link anytime. https://anyfocus.churchcenter.com/giving/to/austin-gage
Love you all, don't forget to check out the student testimony below!
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