Every year, the campus ministries on campus gather together to host an event in the middle of campus called 72 Hours of Prayer. For 72 hours straight, students from all the ministries sign up to come into the tent and pray for an hour. Within the tent there are opportunities to write down prayer requests for others to pray for, a cross to sit beneath and nail confessions too, and a bunch of other guided prayer prompts. I am so thankful to be on a campus where God calls this many students to prayer and increased trust and faith in him. Every year I am encouraged to hear our students description of their time in the tent, and their increased interest to pray regularly, so that they might learn to depend on God's strength rather than our own. I'm confident God used these three days to forever change people's hearts, lives, and circumstances.
This was a collective worship night in the middle of UTA to close out 72 hours of prayer. Students from FOCUS, Cornerstone, and BSM were all present as well as a few from the Wesley and other ministries. How cool to get to praise Jesus in the open in the middle of a public University!Watching the eclipse on campus with some of the young men in our ministry was super fun and encouraging. I'm thankful that we all got to sit in amazement of God's creation, and wonder at his creativity, beauty, and sustaining power. Several of these young guys, Daniel, Chris, and Kamal will be potential leaders for the fall. And the guy on the left Ian, I've gotten to study the bible with all year. Ian is graduating and starting a career in the music industry! Pray that he is able to be a light in an industry that can be a dark and competitive environment. The rest of those guys will be around for a while so pray that they continue to know Jesus more and share him with their peers during their time in college!
Lucy continues to delight! I couldn't be more proud or thankful to get to be her dad. Thank you for making it possible for me to be here to reach the campus while raising a daughter to know the Lord as well. I couldn't be more appreciative of your partnership! Don't forget to read the student testimony below.
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