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Showing posts from April, 2024

72 Hours of Prayer and a Total Eclipse of the Sun

  Every year, the campus ministries on campus gather together to host an event in the middle of campus called 72 Hours of Prayer. For 72 hours straight, students from all the ministries sign up to come into the tent and pray for an hour. Within the tent there are opportunities to write down prayer requests for others to pray for, a cross to sit beneath and nail confessions too, and a bunch of other guided prayer prompts. I am so thankful to be on a campus where God calls this many students to prayer and increased trust and faith in him. Every year I am encouraged to hear our students description of their time in the tent, and their increased interest to pray regularly, so that they might learn to depend on God's strength rather than our own. I'm confident God used these three days to forever change people's hearts, lives, and circumstances. This was a collective worship night in the middle of UTA to close out 72 hours of prayer. Students from FOCUS, Cornerstone, and BSM wer...