Finals week has come to a close and our students are largely headed home for the holidays. God has been so good to us this semester. Not only were we able to meet and reach as many students as we do in a usual year, we also got to see God move in the lives of the individual students that your gift impacts. As the semester has come to a close I wanted to highlight a couple of those students and share with you the gratitude that they have expressed towards this ministry. The first student I wanted to tell you about was Taylor Carver. I met Taylor about a year and a half ago at a UTA event called Waffleopolis. I told him about FOCUS and all of the events we were having that week in order to reach students. I mentioned, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Candy Poker, and I also mentioned our small groups called Cores. Sometimes college students will want to hear all about the fun events we've got going on and might be willing to come check out our bible studies. But Taylor immediately want...