Hello everyone! I pray that your holidays have really been special this year. I pry that time with your family has been restful, and that the Lord has used this time of remembering His birth to strengthen your spirit. I pray that this letter and update will also serve to encourage you. I am always certainly encouraged whenever I think of you and your partnership in this ministry. This is a fun, albeit blurry picture from our end of semester Christmas party. This years theme was Disney Christmas. These are a few of the guys that have been a part of my core group for this last semester. Troi on the left dressed as Maui, Josh in the middle as Kylo Ren, and Yafet as Mickey Mouse. Myself as Jolly ol' saint nick. This evening was filled with fun and laughter. There were definitely some great skits involved. But we also got to have a really sweet time of reading from the Gospel of Luke the story of Jesus' birth and then we all joined together in praise and worship to God as a resp...