Just about a month ago I got to attend, along with our students, a ministry training opportunity in Bellingham, Washington. That week of ministry training is called Student Institute of Campus Ministry or SICM for short. This was my third time having been able to attend SICM. Once 5 years ago as a student, once last year as an intern, and once this year after having completed my first year on staff. I would say that each time I've gone I've come away with something different, each lesson important in its own right. When I was a student my biggest takeaway was that I was no longer going to be a passive Christian. I wanted to take part in bringing God's kingdom to earth. I was going to bring Christ to my peers and be a visible light to the world around me. That really was such a trans-formative time in my faith, and I hope and pray that the same was true for some of the students that we got to send this year. My year as an intern one of my biggest takeaways was just the sheer...