Hello Friends! This will be a short post but I just wanted to ask for prayer for our students this week as many of them are in Bellingham, Washington this week at the Student Institue of Campus Ministry. They are here to learn how to be disciples of Jesus who actively go and make disciples of Jesus in their lives and on their college campuses. Please pray that our students will be open and listening to the Spirit during this week. That they would be great students of the Word. And that they would grow closer together in their relationships with Christ and with those around them. This week they will learn so many topics from some of the most qualified teachers I have ever heard but I am asking for you to join me in prayer so that the learning will be effective and God will use this week to change lives and impact this world as result. Thank you always for your support and encouragement. I love you all and I will always be grateful for your partnership. In Christ, Austin