Thank you for taking the time to read this blog today! As I move into the new year I am reminded once more what a miracle it is that this year, through supporters like you, God has provided well enough for me to live and work full time as a campus missionary. That is a gift that I will never be able to thank you enough for helping to make happen. I'd love to share with you just a little bit of how your donation is affecting lives in the month of December. To start off with a little celebration, at the end of this semester we threw a Christmas party for our students to attend. We played games together, ate food together, worshiped God together and all around just had a really great night of fellowship. Together we thanked God for what he had done in the year thus far and also just enjoyed the company of one another. Below are a few pictures from that event. These are mainly students whom I have gotten to meet with and study scripture with and call them deeper in their relations...