Before I start talking about all of the wonderful things that God has been doing on this campus and in my own personal life over the course of this past month I want to thank all of you for your prayers for our UTA Fall Retreat! Fall Camp was such an incredible success, not just in the amount of fun that was had, although there was certainly a lot of fun that was had, but also in achieving the goal for the reason that we have Fall Camp every year. To give our students an opportunity to really catch the vision of what it is that we are attempting to do here and to inspire them to take ownership of this ministry and make it their own. I wish I could describe to you everything that happened during Fall Camp but it would probably be far too long of a read for most, but I did want to share with all of you, one specifically special moment. At one point during the retreat after a long day of fun games and good food, the students gathered around in the cabin and began to open up about how ...